A few weeks ago we were so excited to be featured on Fox 5 Washington DC. It was an amazing time meeting with the host and showing them Chalk Paint. Watch us on the clip here and be sure to stop in and learn all about how you can transform your furniture without stripping sanding or
Archive | Chalk Paint classes
RSS feed for this sectionAnnie Sloan Chalk Paint on Fox5 Washington DC with Bahia
Q & A session today with bahia July 2nd & July workshops
Join us this morning at OTPC for a Q & A session ( FREE WORKSHOP) on all your Chalk Paint questions and more. We will meet at 10 am at 10513 Metropolitan Ave Kensington MD for an hour and a half. Want to review your waxing issues? Have questions about distressing? Problem pieces? This is
Moving week and Snow..mean odd hours
Hope you all are doing better if not ok with all the snow and shoveling. This has been a very trying time for our region. With the stress of the snow many of you know we are set to move this week to our new location at 10513 Metropolitan Ave Kensington, MD…about (.07 miles) from our
Open Studio next week & 2016 workshops filling up
A quick note to say we are offering what we promised …Open Studio during the Christmas week. For those that need a break from the mall we are opening the paint and the table for 1 hour sessions. For $55 you can work in the studio for 1 hour on a craft project…Sign up HERE… from
Looking for Annie Sloan Workshop this weekend in the DC MD area?
Looking for a class to learn how to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint? You’ve come to the right place. Come out and spend tomorrow morning with us. From 9 to 1 pm we will be working through 5 of Annie Sloan’s finishes and more…Register HERE Don’t be fooled by the “101”…this is Annie Sloan’s approved
additional July & August Annie Sloan Classes posted
Looking for more Chalk Paint workshops to get your projects going this Summer? Are you in the Washington DC area? Silver Spring, Bethesda or Potomac? Check us out … We’ve just added more workshops for weekday and evening as well as a few Saturdays. Our classes fit about 8 and that’s it. So sign



Upcoming Events
View our upcoming events and full schedule for Annie Sloan Furniture Painting Workshops in the Washington DC Metro, flower workshops and more creative workshops.
Call us for private workshops with bahia 240-292-9470 or email bahia@onthepurplecouch.com
Check Out Our Podcast!
Check Out Our Podcast!
Location and Hours

11810 Parklawn Dr. Suite 43
Rockville, MD 20852
TEL. 240-292-9470
(email us)
1st Fridays of the month 5 pm to 8 pm
and by appointment

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